Our team

Angelique Pouponneau
International environmental law, legislative design for sustainable ocean economy, climate and ocean governance multilateral negotiations, and sustainable finance and blended finance mechanisms.
Arlette Schramm
Blue Finance Specialist: Merging financial strategies with sustainable practices. Private equity, impact investment, focus on Blue Carbon, Sustainable Finance Mechanisms & Natural Capital Accounting.
Bella Charlesworth
Research Officer: Environmental scientist and science communicator focusing on ocean accounting and management of plastics through evidence-based decision-making.

Dr Ben Milligan
Director: recognition of nature in economic decision-making, multi-sector ocean development planning, natural resources governance, zero-carbon transitions, partnerships for sustainable development.
Dr Cheryl Joy Fernandez-Abila
Research Fellow. Background in applied economics, applying multidisciplinary approach to complex development challenges. Interests: ecosystem services valuation, ocean governance & resource management

Dr Jordan Gacutan
Research Fellow: bridging science / policy through evidence for environmental-economic accounts, MSP, plastic pollution. Background in GIS, stats, natural capital and ecosystem services.

Dr Mitchell Lyons
Spatial data scientist. Background in earth observation, ML/AI, stats, EEA, biodiversity monitoring, field/expert/traditional knowledge, capacity building, open source + cloud-based methods

Dr Phil James
Director and environmental economist with >15 yrs experience in policy and economics in 25 countries. Focus: economic & social science aspects of ocean accounts, biodiversity & the blue economy.

Dr Randika Jayasinghe
Plastics & Waste Specialist: Background in Environmental Engineering and circular economy. Experienced in plastics pollution, waste management, and waste-to-value. Focus: data and waste challenges.

Dr Rebecca Shellock
Social Science Specialist: experience using social evidence to aid delivery of effective and equitable environmental governance. Focus: ocean accounting, gender equity & bridging science-policy gap.

Eliza Northrop
Director: International environmental law, UNFCCC, ocean-climate solutions for zero-carbon transitions, sustainable ocean planning, natural resources governance and policy, indigenous rights

Elizabeth Hollaway
Research Associate: Implementation and development of sustainable ocean economy policy and governance. Background in marine science and multi-sectoral partnerships

Hannah Sheridan
Manager: network management, strategy, team builder, integration and systems optimisation, development through the utilisation of local knowledge, higher education sector specialist.

Helena Dickinson
Research Associate: Environmental Economist focusing on global waste management and the blue economy.

Jessica Bridgland
Applied Economist: experience creating & using economic analysis to influence policy, particularly marine spatial planning, sustainable financing, marine conservation, natural capital & blue economy.

Juliet Grimm
Senior Operations Officer. International and community development, monitoring evaluation and learning, business development and program development support.

Ken Findlay
Program lead, GOAP’s Africa Community of Practice: advancement of ocean accounting, inclusive & sustainable ocean governance, blue economies & sustainable ocean development in African coastal nations.

Maria Granada Alarcon Blazquez
PhD Candidate: environmental economics and environmental systems analysis. Experienced in ecosystem services, natural capital accounting, environmental valuation, CBA, and GIS.

Marianne Feoli
Research Associate: Building synergy & knowledge for Ocean Accounts in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sustainable transformation strategies, community empowerment, biodiversity credits & management.

Michael Burnside
Manager: partnerships for sustainable development, environmental science & economics, recognising nature in decision-making, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, zero-carbon transitions

Nicholas Williams
Senior Administrator: experience in Federal Gov., migration & refugees with education in International Relations focusing on peacekeeping & human security, gender-based violence and food security.

Nina van Ewijk
Manager: Event program and communications, project management and operations support. Background in environment and resource management